Ours does not have a spare (cos the extra 2 seats are under the boot cover) but a bottle of "gel" that should seal a small puncture for long enough to let you pump the tyre and get to a garage for a spare.
lift the very back seat (the one which folds down in to the boot), in the carpet under the seat on the right is a small section cut away, lift the carpet, under here you might find a rubber grommit about 7cm wide, - remove, under here you will find a nut, this will drop the spare wheel down.
No, a Renault Scenic is front wheel drive. However, the rear wheels often wear faster than the front wheels, which would only normally happen with rear wheel drive. This is due to the unusual wheel alignment on this car.
30 mm
To adjust the brightness of the radio clock display on the Renault Scenic, simply turn the wheel control adjuster that is next to the headlamp adjuster. This is located to the right of the steering column on the dash.
in my megane it was in the spare wheel housing in the boot.
It can be found in UCH block under steering wheel behind fuses box.
the port is next to the fuse board which is right hand side of your steering wheel on a RHD car
depends on wheel size mine are 185/65/15 and pressure is 36
on a W reg it's next to the fuses under the steering wheel to the right, there may be a cover or cap to take off to reveal it.
A clanking noise in the rear of a Renault Scenic could mean the rear wheel bearings need to be replaced or greased. A clanking noise in the rear of any vehicle can be a problem with the rear end gears, the drive shaft, or even a lug nut that came loose and is clanking around inside the hubcap.
If its the same as my 2.0 petrol its just in front of the petrol tank, (near the drivers side rear wheel).
if its Scenic 2 - just pull back the break (left to steering wheel (for European cars)) and it should show you on display that break is on. start driving and it will release itself! if its Scenic 2 - just pull back the break (left to steering wheel (for European cars)) and it should show you on display that break is on. start driving and it will release itself!