Should be on the right side of the receiver, in between the ejection port and the barrel.
The numbers 10-21133 are the serial number that was assigned to your Ruger Standard Mark I pistol,which was made in the year 1969.
The value of the Webley Mark 2 revolver with a serial number of 43383 varies with the condition of the pistol. This gun sells for about 450 dollars to about 1000 dollars depending on the condition.
50-200 USD
50-200 USD or so
Go to the Ruger website, customer service, historical data, pistol, find your model, and there is a serial number/ year of production list.With the serial number that you provided,your Ruger standard model single six revolver was made in 1960.If you have a standard model automatic Mark I pistol,it was made in 1957.
$50-$300, depending on exact model and condition.
@ 36 years ago
Ruger will tell you if you phone customer service.
210-52996 is the serial number. Mark 2 would be the series. 50-175 USD or so has sn data under customer service.
Webley Mark 1 pistol (original. There are several variations) 1924-31. Webley Mark 1 New model 1935-64 Webley Mark 1 Rifle 1926-29