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1995 nissan pickup has a expansion valve rather than a orfice tube and is located on the evap.
It doesn't have an orifice tube. It has an expansion valve that is located inside of the evaporator box. The evaporator assembly will have to be removed and taken apart to replace the expansion valve.
The oil pump for a Nissan Altima is located inside the oil pan and it is attached to the oil pickup tube. The oil pump is responsible for circulating the oil in the car.
The orifice tube is located in the line at the condenser discharge connection.
2002 ford taurus where is the orifice tube located
It is located inside of a line that routes off of the condenser and splits between the front and rear A/C sections. The line with the orifice tube heads to the firewall on the passenger side of the vehicle. You'll see a crimped area on the line, where the orifice tube is located. I don't believe you can easily replace the orifice tube without cutting/repairing the line or replacing the whole line assembly. The line has several bends negating pulling the orifice tube out. Pretty inconvenient. The rear A/C uses an expansion valve.
it is a 2 wire plug located on the intake tube usally on the air box or on the intake tube it self
The orifice tube is located between the engine and the fire wall. The windshield wiper cowling has to be removed to gain access to the orifice tube.
A 1987 Dakota uses an expansion valve, not an orifice tube.A 1987 Dakota uses an expansion valve, not an orifice tube.
you don't, the car has an expansion valve by the evaporator.
If the dipstick has broken off into the tube on a Nissan Altima, you can remove it using pliers. Other people have had luck using industrial strength vacuums and sucking the broken dipstick up.
What orifice tube? An orifice tube is part of the AC system pull off the lines going into the accumulator. You'll see it. DoratheExplorer