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The location of Thunderstorm is IN the cloud. The precipitation and lightning is brought to the ground. However, thunder and even some lightning only exist in the cloud or between clouds. It would not matter whether the Thunderstorm is over land or water. That said, any area of a country with the right atmospheric conditions can experience a Thunderstorm.

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3mo ago

Thunderstorms can occur in various locations around the world. They are most common in areas with warm, moist air that rises rapidly, typically in regions near the equator or in areas where contrasting air masses meet, such as frontal boundaries. Thunderstorms can happen over land or water and are often associated with cumulonimbus clouds.

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What is thunder storm in french?

The French term for "Thunderstorm" is "Orage" or "Tempête" depending on user location and preference.

When was the most dangerous thunderstorm?

It is difficult to pinpoint the "most dangerous" thunderstorm as the severity of storms can vary depending on location and impact. However, some notable severe thunderstorms include the Tri-State Tornado outbreak in 1925 and the Super Outbreak of 1974.

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A thunderstorm does not strike anything, it is "lightening" that does that.

Why is it important to stop swimming or boating during a thunderstorm?

Swimming or boating during a thunderstorm is dangerous because water conducts electricity, increasing the risk of being struck by lightning. It's crucial to get to a safe location and wait for the storm to pass to avoid the potential life-threatening consequences of being in or on the water during a thunderstorm.

What forms a thunderstorm?

The cumulus stage, in which the thunderstorm develops, the mature stage, in which the thunderstorm is most intense, and the dissipating stage, in which the thunderstorm declines and ends.

Why does Florida have the greatest number of thunderstorm days?

Florida's warm and moist climate, surrounded by bodies of water, creates ideal conditions for the formation of thunderstorms. The state's location near the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean provides ample moisture and instability for thunderstorm development, leading to a high frequency of thunderstorm days.

Could you form a sentence with thunderstorm?

The thunderstorm brought heavy rain and powerful lightning strikes last night.

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Is a thunderstorm a geological activity?

No. A thunderstorm is a weather event.

How a tornado evolves from a thunderstorm?

well the thunderstorm builds to a super cell which is a sever thunderstorm then all it needs is a rotation

What does active thunderstorm mean?

An active thunderstorm refers to a thunderstorm that is currently producing lightning, thunder, and precipitation. These storms can also have strong winds, hail, and potentially tornadoes. It's important to stay indoors and take necessary precautions during an active thunderstorm to stay safe.

Is the word thunderstorm a antonym?

thunderstorm is a noun, and nouns do not have antonyms