For a 1987 there is no automatic doors or windows for A Chevy Astro Fuse is underneath the steering colum along the Driver side feet...
Blown fuse.
The fuse or relay for power windows on a 2002 Chevy Blazer is located under the dash near the emergency brake. It can be readily replaced by pulling it out.
Yes, it is in the fuse box, labeled pwr wnd.
Check the fuse
The fuse or relay for the power windows on a 2000 Chevy Suburban is located in the fuse box on top of the battery. Unplug the old relay and insert the new one.
Probably the fuse for your power windows look at the manual find out which fuse it is and change it.
We need to know what year that S10 Blazer is.
The fuse for the power windows is on the fuse block.
fuse box location
The exact location of the Chevy Astro Van fuel injection pump fuse is dependent upon the year of the vehicle. The fuel injection pump fuse will be in the fuse box. The location of the fuse will be listed on the inside cover of the fuse box.
It should be to the left of the dash in a compartment when the door is open or under the hood in a fuse holder there.
If all the windows quit working you need to look for a blown fuse in the fusebox.