the best place to train at is in enterna forest because when you with Cheryl run in the wild and battle Pokemon i got my ponyta up 6 levels in half an hour from lvl 20 to lvl 26 and you don't have to heal. Other places are route 202 route 217 and between velistone and the resort place just use the vs seeker and keep battling them like the collectors and breeders and others Hoped i helped :)
Personally, I would train a Bird-Type Pokemon at a place where those types of Pokemon is very effective to it. Like Fighting-Types. They are weak to Bird-Types. So, I would train it there!
Let your Pokémon hold Soothe Bell and train OR feed it Berries that lower its stats but makes it friendly- DON'T overdo it.
use wing attack [get starly and train to level 9 and it gets wing attack]
That all comes down to opinion. Everyone has different opinions about which is the strongest and which is the best.
Some people will argue with me but i think the best place to train is at the Pokemon lugue you can battle them over and over again
There are various good places to train flying types in Pokemon Platinum. A good thing to do would be to use the vs seeker.
in heart gold cerulean cave in platinum i don't know
you should train sycher against fire and pshcik pokemon:D
Personally, I would train a Bird-Type Pokemon at a place where those types of Pokemon is very effective to it. Like Fighting-Types. They are weak to Bird-Types. So, I would train it there!
route 205 for Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum. the trainers have Pokemon from level 10 to level 17
if you have a lv 50 you can train at the Pokemon league my togekiss was lv 50 and now hes a lv 70 in just a couple of minuts
if you don't have surf i would use my good rod or super rod not old rod because it only catches magikarp,
You can train them up at victory road or on the way to the survile area
in etrena forest
the best way to train your Pokemon is to use a cheat code for super exp gain.if you don't have a action replay you can find them at walmart. the cheat is already in the AR.
well, that may be orgin giretina. but for me, a male gliscore is allways the best. if i were you i would make my team on what Pokemon you like best :). hope it helped :)