The address of the John C. Fremont Branch is: 6121 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, 90038 3339
The phone number of the John C. Fremont Branch is: 323-962-3521.
The address of the John Muir Branch is: 1005 W. 64Th St., Los Angeles, 90044 3605
Abdellah John Charles Fremont John Charles Fremont
John Fremont is 6' 2".
John c. Fremont founded fremont and was named after fremont
Yes he did. He had three. John Charles Fremont, Elizabeth Benton Fremont, and Francis Preston Fremont.
The address of the John C. Fremont Library District - Florence - is: 130 Church Ave, Florence, 81226 1401
The phone number of the John Muir Branch is: 323-789-4800.
He married Jessie Benton and had three children, Elizabeth Benton Fremont, John Charles Fremont, and Francis Preston Fremont
John C Fremont's nickname was the Great Pathfinder.
john c fremont
john fremont died on the 13 of July in 1890