The Buffalo Bill Museum is located in Cody, Wyoming. There are in fact five museums that together make up the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. The center was founded in 1917.
Buffalo Bill Museum was created in 1957.
The address of the Buffalo Bill Memorial Museum is: 987 1-2 Lookout Mountain Road, Golden, CO 80401
The phone number of the Buffalo Bill Memorial Museum is: 303-526-0744.
The address of the Science Museum Photographic Club Buffalo Museum Of Science is: Humboldt Pkwy, Buffalo, NY 14211
The phone number of the Buffalo Bill Museum Of Le Claire is: 563-289-5580.
The address of the Buffalo Bill Museum Of Le Claire is: 199 North Front Street, Leclaire, IA 52753-7713
The address of the Buffalo Museum Of Science is: 1020 Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NY 14211
The address of the Museum Of The Occidental Hotel is: 148Ushighway16East, Buffalo, WY 82834
The address of the Karpeles Museum is: 220 North St, Buffalo, NY 14201
The address of the Buffalo Island Museum is: Highway 18, Monette, AR 72447
The address of the Jim Gatchell Museum Of The West is: , Buffalo, WY 82834
The address of the Buffalo Transportation Pierce Arrow Museum is: 24 Myrtle Ave, Buffalo, NY 14203-2900