The 2004 Hyundai Tiburon OBD 2 port is behind fuse box door, left above hood release
On passenger side right between firewall and the engine.
The Villager does not have a test port. You need to tee into the line at the fuel filter.
There is no test port.
The low pressure port on a Saturn I200 is attached to the oil filter, which is directly below the vehicle's engine. The pressure port is directly attached to the fuel rail, and just above the fuel injectors.
The Villager does not have a test port, you need to tee into the line near the fuel filter to test pressure.
It doesn't have a test port. You have to fabricate fittings to tap into the fuel line at the fuel filter to connect a fuel pressure gauge. They probably sell a kit to do that but I made my own.
You need to attach a fuel pressure gauge to the port on the fuel rail to measure the pressure.
use a pressure guage hooked to the scrader port on the fuel line.
There should be a fuel pressure "test" port behind the throttle body. Test the fuel pressure at the test port using a fuel pressure gauge. If the engine starts using starting fluid and doesn't start without, and the fuel pressure at the test port is normal... you have something else going on. It COULD be the injector, but don't assume until you've tested other stuff.
By the fuel pump
There is no fuel pressure test port on an 02 focus. The computer controls the fuel pressure on these and as such the factory approved method of monitoring fuel pressure is to watch the PID on your scan tool. They do make one that can be added on though between the fuel line and the fuel rail. A quick google search should yield plenty of results to help find one.