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Only a tiny fraction of the planet's abundant water is available to us as freshwater. About 97.4% by volume is found in the oceans and is too salty for drinking, irrigation, or industry (except as a coolant).

Most of the remaining 2.6% water is freshwater and locked up in ice layers or glaciers or it's too deep underground to be reached or too salty to be used.

Thus, only about 0.014% of the earth's total volume of water is easily available to us as soil moisture, usable groundwater, water vapor, and lakes and streams.

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12y ago
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9mo ago

Freshwater is found in various places such as rivers, lakes, streams, and underground aquifers. It makes up a small percentage of the Earth's total water supply, with most of it being in glaciers and ice caps. Human activities and climate change can impact the availability and quality of freshwater resources.

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14y ago

Lakes, streams, and rivers.

anywhere where there is water not connected to an ocean or sea, or a river mouth before the water hits the sea

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15y ago

Lakes, rivers, glaciers (when they melt) and oceans.

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15y ago

Most of Earth's fresh water is stored as ice in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. About 1.7% of the Earth's entire water supply exists inside that ice.

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13y ago

glaciers and ice caps

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Q: Where is freshwater located?
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Most of earth's water is located in?

No, most of earth's freshwater is located in glaciers.

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In terms of volume of water, the largest is Lake Baikal in Siberia. Siberia is in Russia. In terms of surface area the Caspian Sea is largest but it is not freshwater. Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake by surface area.

Where is Great Britain's freshwater sources mainly located?

Great Britain's freshwater sources are mainly located in its rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Some of the major rivers that provide freshwater to the country include the Thames, Severn, and Trent. Additionally, there are numerous lakes and reservoirs throughout the country that contribute to its freshwater supply.

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everywhere ,but the ponds,streams,and wetlands.

Where is a river located?

The freshwater is the longest New Zealand river

What deep freshwater is located in central Siberia?

Lake Baikal is the deepest oldest lake in the world and the largest freshwater lake by volume.

Where is 70 percent of earth freshwater?

Approximately 70% of Earth's freshwater is located in ice caps and glaciers, mainly in Antarctica and Greenland. This frozen freshwater is not readily accessible for human use.

Where is lake okeechobee located in florida?

Lake Okeechobee is the larges freshwater lake in the state of Florida. It is the 7th largest freshwater lake in the United States.