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It does not have 1.

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Q: Where is crank sensor on 1989 Chevy van 4.3 liter?
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Where is the crank shaft sensor for a 1989 Chevy van 4.3 liter?

Chevy did not use a crank sensor on that year.

Does a 1989 Chevy cavalier have a crank position sensor if so where?

its at back of engne just under the manifold

Where is the crank sensor located on 1989 camaro rs?

That year did not have a crank sensor.

Where is the crank sensor on a 1989 Chevy Beretta and how do you fix it?

the crank sensor is located on the back of the engine aprox. 1 inch above the oil pan. there is one bolt holding it in place, after removing the bolt pull the sensor out installation is reverse

You need to know how to remove the crank shaft positioning sensor for a 1989 2.8 lt. Chevy Celebrity with a V6 Thanks?

The answer depends on what engine you have.

Where is the crank sensor on a 1989 Pontiac sunbird 2.0?

Crank sensors are always located on the camshafts. The 1989 Pontiac Sunbird crank sensor is located on the head of the engine towards to end of the camshaft.

Where is the crank sensor located on your 1989 2.8liter Chevy Corsica?

behind the engine,in front of the transmission, about half way up the side of the block, its very hard to see its near the knock sensor.

Where is the crank sensor located on a 1989 caprice classic?

depending on what engine you have, 4.3 v-6 or 305 v-8 or if your lucky the 350......chevy never ran a crank sensor on an engine that old. If it wont start, check spark, if you have spark, check fuel.

Where is the O2 sensor on a 1989 Chevy Celebrity?

The oxygen sensor on a 1989 Chevy Celebrity is located in the rear exhaust manifold on top about the center.

How do you adjust the timing on a 1989 Chevy 2.2 with coil packs?

If it is a distributorless ignition system, you don't. The timing is all handled by the ecm. It picks up the signal from a crank sensor in the block. It has a reluctor wheel cast in the crank.

1989 jeep 4.0 liter Cherokee and it just shuts off you have replaced the crank sensor coil distributor and fuel pump and it still does it any advice?

Replace your control module.

Where is the crank shaft sensor on a 1989 2.5 Plymouth sundance?

This car only uses the sensor in the distributor.