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Q: Where is Pablo Picasso's signature on the painting of Gertrude Stein?
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What was Pablo Picassos educational background?

he was a poor man at first but made many painting and became rick as a king '

Who is Pablo Picassos best friend called?

The best friend of his youth was Carles Casagemas who died in 1901. Picasso did a painting of his death.

Did Pablo Picassos go to Rome?

yes he did

What are Pablo picassos best works?

His painting commenting on the bombing by German planes of a city during the Spanish Civil War - entitled "Guernica".

What has the author Peter Lodermeyer written?

Peter Lodermeyer has written: 'Transformationen des Stillebens in der nachkubistischen Malerei Pablo Picassos' -- subject(s): Criticism and interpretation, Still-life painting, Still-life painting, Spanish

What is the percentage of people that like Pablo Picasso's art work?

35% of all humans like Pablo Picassos art work.

Who were pablo Picassos mentors?

Jose Ruiz Blaso (Picasso's dad) and Julio Gonzalez

What traditions helped shape Pablo Picassos work?

Most of his work was about not following traditions.

What was Pablo Picassos' art period during 1901-1904 called?

His Blue period.

How many words in picassos full name?

There are total of 12 letters.

What was Pablo picassos favorite food?

It is not known what Pablo Picasso's favorite food was. His favorite color was blue and he died over 40 years ago.

Who were pablo Picassos good friends?

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