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Q: Where does the scent of a lady and rsquoa perfume go?
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Where does the scent of a lady’s perfume go?

no one nose

How can you get the scent of perfume off before you go home?

Well...... To get the scent of perfume off of you b4 you get home you must get acess to water and then apply it to the spot you sprayed your perfume on and then you should be scent free!!!!

What scent do guys go crazy for?

Well it really depends on the guy, what type of guy he is. You would probably be better off going for the best smelling perfume. Find a scent that suits you, body scent is subjective to each person and what smells good when first applied may not be so good after mingling with your own odor. Best to search for a perfume you like.

How do you get rid of perfume scent off of your stuff animal?

Some stuffed animals can be washed in the wash machine. Also if you wait long enough the scent will go away on it's own. This does take a long time.

What happens when someone opens a container of perfume?

When you open a bottle of perfume, the liquid will begin to vaporize at room temperature, and the scent will spread through the air. The smell of perfume reaches other parts of the room because gases have a high rate of diffusion. A few molecules of perfume are enough to let you detect the smell.

Do boys like girls who wear perfume and if they do what kind do they like best?

Some boys do but not all of them do. If you like a boys who wears clone, they think clone are cool so I think it's good idea to wear perfume ask jesus to help you to choose which perfume phone number

Where can someone go to buy Vera Wang perfume?

If one is looking for Vera Wang perfume, the popular Princess scent can be bought at physical stores as well as through online vendors. Macy's and other upscale department stores carry it. Online marketplaces, including auctions and discount sites, may also have the brand at a given time.

How To Choose A Perfume?

Any woman that enjoys smelling nice probably has a favorite perfume stashed away in her home. Perfumes help women express their personality and style, while also ensuring that they smell delightful. Giving a woman a gift of perfume is always a classic idea, but you need to put some thought into the gift to give it a personal touch.Think about her current favoritesMost women have a favorite perfume that can tell you a lot about their preferences. If her favorite is Opium, then you know she likes heavier scents that linger well. If she prefers Clinique Happy, then you know that she prefers slightly lighter and fresher scents. Some women may not have a favorite and you may need to think about candles and soaps that they like. A woman that likes vanilla soap is sure to love a perfume that has the scent of vanilla as one of the main notes, while a woman that likes heady candles may enjoy stronger perfumes.This is a great way for women to figure out their own personal scent as well; just think about other scents you enjoy, and you are on your way to choosing a perfume. Think about her lifestyleOnce you have figured out what scents the lady in your life enjoys, you can move on to picking a perfume right for her lifestyle. If she loves vanilla, but works in an office with a lot of people, then you probably want to pick a very light scent that is not overwhelming. You can pick stronger scents if she is an artist or works in an open space. Always pick a fresh scent if she is active and is outdoors a lot, because you want to make sure she still enjoys the smell of nature as well.Picking out a perfume is a great way to show someone that you know them well. After factoring in their preferences and lifestyle, you are sure to choose a perfume that fits their personality and that they love. The scent may even turn into their signature and you have a go-to gift for them for years to come.

Can perfume go moldy?

no it can not go moldy

Why does the scent of perfume wear off faster in warm weather than in cold?

Warm weather can cause the perfume's volatile molecules to evaporate quickly, leading to a faster dissipation of the scent. Cold weather, on the other hand, slows down the evaporation process, allowing the scent to linger longer on the skin.

How would you remove a corn snake when it bites?

Assuming you're at home... Dip a cotton ball in some strong perfume and hold it close to the snake's head. The scent should irritate the reptile into wanting to get away, and it should let go.

Where can one go to find reviews on Clinique Happy Perfume?

"The clinique website has customer reviews on the perfume. You can also go to a site like viewpoints where it has many reviews, as well as the pros and cons of the perfume."