The term "cliffhanger" originated in the world of serialized adventure novels and films, where characters were often left in precarious situations, such as hanging off a cliff, at the end of an episode. The term is derived from these literal cliff-hanging scenarios, which were used to create suspense and ensure that audiences would tune in to see the resolution in the next installment.
Cliff Hanger Stakes was created in 1977.
Cliff Hanger - video game - was created in 1983.
Cliff Hanger - video game - happened in 1983.
MASK - 1985 Cliff Hanger 2-10 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
The cast of The Cliff Hanger - 1963 includes: Norma MacMillan as Kokette Larry Storch as Koko the Clown
It is a cliff hanger.
A cliff hanger
The credits.
Living with Models - 2012 Cliff-Hanger 1-12 was released on: USA: 31 July 2012
Should be because there is a massive cliff hanger at the end.