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Q: Where does the syndicate project live?
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Where does syndicate project live?


Who is the syndicate project?

The Syndicate Project is a youtuber who's mostly known for Minecraft and Call Of Duty.

Is syndicate progect British?

The Syndicate Project is Tom Cassell. He is British, and now has ovver 700,000 followers on YouTube. He launched The Syndicate Project in September 2010.

Where does the Syndicate Project live stream?

mainly on twitch tv and youtube but also on many other sites

What is the syndicate projects minecraft server?

As supplied via Syndicate Project's Twitter Feed80.84.64.111

What is syndicate Minecraft server?

As supplied via Syndicate Project's Twitter Feed80.84.64.111

What is syndicate project name on skype?

Tom Cassel

What is The syndicate project?

Project Syndicate is an international not-for-profit newspaper syndicate and association of newspapers. It distributes commentaries and analysis ("opinion pieces") by experts, activists, Nobel laureates, statesmen, economists, political thinkers, business leaders and academics to its member publications, and encourages networking among its members.

What country does syndicate live in?


How much does the syndicate project make on youtube?

In 2011 he made around $226,000

What is the syndicate project's real name?

His real name is Tom cassel

Does the syndicate project use a ps3 or xbox360?

I think he uses a ps3 but he sometimes uses his mac