We live in New Hampshire. Today a small salamander appeared in our driveway. At first we thought he was a small plastic toy, but soon discovered it was alive. Do you have records of orange salamanders living in New Hampshire? Thank you!
The Yonahlossee salamander is a particularly large woodland salamander from the southern Appalachian Mountains in the United States.
They live in Piedmont.
Yes it can
No. Mammals are warm-blooded creatures with fur, skin or hair, and they give birth to live young which they then feed with mother's milk. Like a mammal, a salamander is a vertebrate, but that is where the similarities virtually end. A salamander has moist skin, and is cold-blooded. It lays eggs and has to live in water for part of its life. The salamander is a member of the amphibian family, like frogs, toads, newts and axolotls.
Mainly minnows, crayfish, and small frogs.
i think they eat small curstations and small fish
A salamander is a legendary creature which can live in fire. The salamander used in cooking is so-called because it is, in domestic use, fireproof.
most live in forests where it is worm and moist
small raisans