Ven root means come Vene means "poison"
The Old English word, god, and the Dutch word, goed.
the root, "ge" is greek for earth.
The root (in English) is fin-. The word finish entered English from French, which got it from Latin finis.
Latin: "invenire", to discover, come upon.
The root word of "become" is "come."
The word "convenient" has the Latin root "ven" in it, which means "to come" or "to arrive."
The word "captain" does not come from the Latin root capit. It comes from the Latin word caput, which also means head.
the root word for gift
The root word for the word "immediate" is "mediate", meaning to intervene or come between.
The root word of "covenant" is "convenire," which is Latin for "to come together."
Ven root means come Vene means "poison"
The root word for inventory is "invent," which comes from the Latin word "invenire," meaning "to find" or "to come upon."
The Old English word, god, and the Dutch word, goed.
Two forms of the same word are called doublets. Doublets come from the same root word. The root word which a doublet comes from can come from two different languages.
The prefix "quant" means "how much" or "how many." It is derived from the Latin word "quantus," which also relates to quantity or amount.