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The Old Testament quite often speaks approvingly of two people living together unmarried or having sex either before marriage or (for men only) outside marriage. The story of Adam and Eve never mentions marriage.

The New Testament speaks quite disapprovingly of sex without marriage.

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Q: Where does the Holy Bible speak on two people living together but not married?
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The Bible in Living English was created in 1972.

Where in the Bible does it say you can't live with someone unless you are married?

it's ok but you should get married if possible Why would anyone looking for intelligent, relevant information about a personal decision like that refer to a myth-filled compilation of stories written by people who are ignorant of anything important on any subject. Use reliable information and your own intelligence. Learn to think on your own rather than relying on sources that can only mislead and confuse.

If a man and women live together in ca for 16 years is the women intitled to his retirerment?

I would like to answer because of how the bible and the fact God says we are to man and wife, otherwise we have no-business living with one another. That NO, you are not entitled to anything if your not married to each other under Gods law!! Thanks! People want it all without the marriage contract........................