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Ian Kabra wants to meet at the Roda Island Bridge. The words are backwards.

i.e.: ekaceseehc=cheesecake

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Q: Where does ian kabra want to meat in mission 8 39 clues?
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Where does Ian want to meet on mission 8 in the 39 clues?

he wants to meet at roda island bridge you have to do each word backwords and it has to be capitalized or it wont work

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I think it's their single mindedness and their nervousness. They want to impress the woman and that single minded mission causes him to miss obvious clues from her.

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I played that game. You have to solve the clues online. But if you want the hand held card. You have to go and buy the 39 clues books. There should be 10 books.

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yes plz

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Blue's Clues - 1996 What Does Blue Want to Make 1-15 was released on: USA: 15 December 1996

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Neither, you want the animal to have enough meat to cover the bones, you do not want the animal too fat as the meat will not have a balanced amount of meat to fat.

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Pronoun clues are words in the text that can be used to know who or what the pronoun refers to. For example: Soaring amongst the waves, it sailed off into the horizon. "Soaring amongest the waves" and "sailed off into the horizon" are clues that "it" refers to a sailboat. When she saw him across the street, she started crying and walked in the opposite direction. She did not want to fight with him again, even though she still loved him. Though this does not give clues as to who the people are, "started crying," "did not want to fight with him again," and "still loved him" are clues that the passage is referring to an ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend.

How do you say 'I want meat' in Spanish?

To say 'I want meat' in Spanish, you would say 'Yo quiero carne.'