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The Digestive System The main purpose of the Digestive system is to break down food and absorb nutrients. There are two basic divisions to the digestive system, these are the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, also known as the alimentary canal, and the accessory digestive organs. Your mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine compose the GI tract, and your teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gall bladder and pancreas are accessory organs. The digestive system carries out six basic processes; ingestion, secretion, propulsion, digestion, absorption and defecation. Ingestion is taking food into the mouth. Secretion is the act of expelling a liquid. The cells lining the GI tract secrete about 9 liters (9.5 quarts) of water, acid, buffers, and enzymes each day to lubricate the canal and aid in the process of digestion. Propulsion consists of alternating contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle in the walls of the GI tract to squeeze food downwards. Digestionhas two parts, mechanical and chemical. Mechanical digestionis chewing up the food and your stomach and smooth intestine churning the food, while chemical digestion is the work the enzymes do when breaking large carbohydrate, lipid, protein and nucleic acid molecules down into their subcomponents -these and others are the nutrients-. Absorption occurs in the digestive system when the nutrients move from the gastrointestinal tract to the blood or lymph. Defecation is the process of expelling what the body couldn't use.

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Digestion occurs in the stomach and the absorption of the nutrients occurs in your small intestine.

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Small Intestines

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Q: Where does digestion and absorption chiefly take place?
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Where does digestion and absorption take place in animals?


Where does most digestion and absorption take place where?

small intestines

Where does digestion and absorption take place in an earth worm?

The gizzard

How would the absorption of food in the cells of small intestine be affected by a lack of folds?

There would be much less surface area for the digestion and absorption, so digestion and absorption would be slowed by a lot.

Where does most digestion take place in the human body?

Most of the physical digestion takes place in the stomach, but the completion and absorption is done in the small intestine.

Where does most chemical digestion take place and nutrients are absorbed into the blood?

chemical digestion takes place in the small intestine large intestine,mouth and stomach. Nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine and minerals in the large intestine.

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Were does chemical digestion take place

What organ does most digestion take place?

Most chemical digestion occurs in the stomach and absorption occur in the intestines in humans and many other animals.

Where does most of the chemical digestion take place in humans?

Most of the chemical digestion in humans takes place in the small intestine. Here, enzymes break down food into nutrients that can be absorbed by the body. The small intestine is lined with villi and microvilli that increase the surface area for absorption.

What are different processes that take place in the process of nutrition?

injection, digestion, absorption, assimilation and ejection injection-process of taking in the food digestion-process of breaking food into smaller parts absorption-process of absorbing nutrients assimilation-process in which the nutrients is taken by blood ejection-process of removing waste in the form of feces

Why digestion necessary before circulation can take place?

If you mean "absorption" when you say "circulation", digestion is necessary because the body cannot absorb the nutrients directly from food. The nutrients are "locked" inside. Digestion breaks food apart so that nutrients can be more easily accessed and absorbed.

Which process take place in the ileum?

digestion Actually no digestion takes place in the large intestine this organ is almost entirely for water absorption.