The Member Card is an event exclusive item on Pokemon Pearl. However the event to give the Card out is no longer being held. This means the only method of getting the Member Card is with a cheat device.
etena city pocemon center top floor.
For Getting Darkrai.. You Need Membership card which allows you to go into an old inn...after that you will have a dream of some sort and then you will go to Newmoon Island
It was an event in 2009 that you can't access again, sorry.
You have to get the member card event.
The only way that you can et Darkrai without an action replay is to go to a Pokemon event that happens once every six months at places like argos and you get a membership card to get in the inn at canalave city.
I don't think so.
you need an action replay
you can't. you suck!!!!
etena city pocemon center top floor.
The membership card opens the door to the Harbor Inn in Canalave City. This is a legendary event cheat in which you catch a level 40 Darkrai.
Only availble in events, sorry.....unless if u have AR.
You go to the locked house in canalave city and it should let you open the door....sometimes not
use a action replay or go to a Pokemon event or try to use the mystery gift hope i helped
a Nintendo event but i do not know what that is!!!
You have to go to a Pokemon event that is giving away Darkrai. Then there will be a green guy standing in the poke mart and he will give you the membership card.
For Getting Darkrai.. You Need Membership card which allows you to go into an old inn...after that you will have a dream of some sort and then you will go to Newmoon Island
The Membership Pass can only be obtained using an Action Replay. The event for this item has ended for Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.