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Paki can be found in Coldfeet Glacier. Coldfeet Glacier is available only by beating the game. Paki fossils are very rare in the field, but if you don't feel the tug of adventure, eventually the shop sells the fossils.

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Q: Where do you find paki in fossil fighters?
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On fossil fighters were do you get paki?

he's in coldfeet glacier if you haven't unlocked it...You unlock it after beating the game =)

What type is paki in fossil fighters?

Water type,its like a weird sea lion,though

What do you do if you cant find a paki head in fossil fighters?

get someone to shoot a head to you with the fossil cannon or just keep trying at coldfeet glacier there is a corner with cryo and paki parts. it isn't at the very top, so just keep moving left and when you reach the wall, move up to the corner and search

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If you meant Saichan, then Mt. Lavaflow in the regular Fossil Fighters. I'm not sure about Fossil Fighters: Champions.

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Rivet Riven

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you buy it