The purple wire would attach to the terminal marked "S". this terminal would be the one closer to the engine block. The yellow wire would attach to the terminal marked "R". This terminal would be the one further from the block.
no it wont to small of a starter
The starter needs a large wire from the battery and a wire from the starter switch. These are connected to the solenoid that is attached to the starter.
There's two wires to connect... just put them where they belong. Positive to the solenoid, negative to the starter body.
Disconnect the - battery cable Raise and support vehicle Remove wires at top of starter Remove starter mounting bolts Remove starter
undo the wires then take the bolts out then put the new one in.
If no one has clipped the ends on the wire, the little ones have different size holes in them and will only go on the right terminals. I believe Chevy only uses the small terminal closest to the motor.
Check your battery to see if it is fully charged and your wires are clean and tight. If so, you probably need a solonoid.
how do i set the timing for a chevy 350 small block?
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