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They go to there husband's home. And as you know that most families there have ancestors in India so the lady then worships his ancestors and and doesn't do the same with hir any longer .....

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Q: Where do married woman live in India?
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It depends where you live and where you want to get married. Contact your local authority, e.g. registrar, church, ...

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Yes, It is possible but that doesn't mean that the situation is sensible.

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If you two found out half of you there, both should live together.

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No true Muslim man and woman can live together without being married in any part of the world. If they do so, they flout and disobey the command of Almighty Allah. It is extremely sinful.

How do women dress in India?

When a woman gets married in India, they usually dress in red. On normal days, they wear a long dress that usually go past the feet.

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yes he has been married twice

How much gold can i keep in my home in India?

500 gm per married woman,250 gm per unmarried woman and 100 gm per man.

You are a us citizen married to a Chinese woman how can you live in china?

Very easy. As long as you are not a criminal.

When was I Married a Woman created?

I Married a Woman was created in 1958.

What is a married woman called?

A married woman is called a wife