i cant remember my credit card billing address
You will find credit card billing address on statement.
Your credit card statement whether online or in the mail is a good place to look for your billing address for your credit card.
The billing address of your Visa credit card is the address that your visa credit card statement is sent to. Most banks issuing Visa credit cards have online sites available to their users. Registering online should reveal your billing address.
i don't know that's why i asked yahhh
i cant remember my credit card billing address
You will find credit card billing address on statement.
Your credit card statement whether online or in the mail is a good place to look for your billing address for your credit card.
The billing address of your Visa credit card is the address that your visa credit card statement is sent to. Most banks issuing Visa credit cards have online sites available to their users. Registering online should reveal your billing address.
You will need to contact customer service to change your billing address of your BPI credit card. You can also send in the new address with your next payment.
A billing address is the address where you are receiving the statements for your credit card. For your order to be approved when shopping online the billing address has to match this address since it is the registered address on the card. In the USA, many online merchants require a US billing address. They do this to protect themselves against credit card fraud. The AVS (address verification software) credit card processors use helps them detect when credit card data is submitted incorrectly. Not having a US billing address can be prevent you from placing orders on US websites from outside America. US Unlocked is a company that has solved this issue, by providing a US billing address to international online shoppers.
Because of the security reason billing add. is required.
The billing address is where the credit card statement is sent and where the cardholder is registered, while the shipping address is where the purchased goods are delivered. These addresses may be the same or different depending on the situation.
i don't know that's why i asked yahhh
Zip code is for security. Zip code of billing address on card.
Often, when you a placing an order with a credit card you will be asked for your billing address and zip code. That is the zip code that is listed on your credit card statement.
Phone them up and ask them