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The Transcontinental Railroad stated from Sacremonto California and Western sides of the United States and met in Promontory Summit, Utah. That is also where they drove the golden spike into the ground.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

There were many different paths of the underground railroad, depending on where you started. The most common finish was in St. Catherines, after crossing Lake Erie. One good book about the underground railway was called "Underground to Canada" by Barbara Smucker. To find out more, Google it. PS. United States was mean.

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The Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad.

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The Underground Railroad actually has its beginnings in Africa

When did the underground railroad happen?

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The Underground Railroad was started in the 1810. The Underground Railroad was responsible for helping thousands of slaves find freedom.

How did the underground railroad get spread to other countries?

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