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"Gesundheit" means "good health" in German.

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Q: Where did the traditional gesundheit blessing after a sneeze come from?
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Fjord and gesundheit come from what languages?


Where did the word guzzuntite come from?

It is a German word spelt Gesundheit, and means Health

What language does the word Gesundheit come from?

The word Gesundheit is German in origin. It is said in numerous other languages/cultures however. This is primarily done when another individual sneezes.

What do atheists say when you sneeze?

Often they say come variation of "Would you like Kleenex?" or "Allergies?" the Christian custom of pronouncing a blessing on the sneezer to ensure they haven't coughed out their soul is not a tradition with atheists.

When you sneeze smoke come out?

your a robot

Stopping a sneeze if you have your nose packed?

Don't stop it. Just let the sneeze come out through your mouth. This is actually how most people naturally sneeze.

Why or how did the German word gesundheit come into your language?

Because German settlers said it Amy time someone sneezed to prevent them from sinning.

Can blessing of medals come off if medals are washed?

The short answer is No a blessing cannot be washed off. A blessing is a not a physical object although a blessing may involve the use of physical items such as water.

Why are you not allowed to sneeze in food?

Because when you sneeze, spit come out you mouth! the qustion is can you eat food that another person spit on it ? Got the Point ?

Is it okay to get a Irish blessing for someone who is not Irish?

It depends on the kind of blessing. A religious blessing should come from a priest, though the priest doesn't have to be Irish, though it would be better if he was. Any other kind of blessing could come from anyone, but again it would be ideal if the person was Irish.

When your sneeze your wish will come true?

While it's a fun superstition, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that your wish will come true if you sneeze. Sneezing is a reflex that helps clear your nasal passages and is not connected to wish fulfillment.

Do organisms and other plants perform photosynthesis?

yes, they do. Have you noticed that when your trying to sneeze, and it wont come up, that if you look at a bright light, you sneeze? Wierd, I know, but it's true!