He sailed the Pacific Ocean.
Other Info:
Born: 1540
Died: 1596
He was an Englishman Explorer, and was the first Englishman to sail the world.
Hope this was helpful!
The infamous pirate scalawag Sir Francis Drake plied the Pacific coast of the North American continent, then under contention for claim by Spain.
He was vice admiral of the English fleet when they defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588.
•In 1579 Francis Drake, an English pirate, sailed along the coast of California after capturing two Spanish ships filled with gold and luxury goods in the Pacific Ocean.
•He landed somewhere north of San Francisco where he repaired his ship and gathered supplies to cross the Pacific and eventually go back to England.
•There are still stories going around today that he buried some of his gold north of San Francisco. Some modern day treasure hunters are still looking for that gold.
•Francis Drake claimed the land he found for England, though England never acted on it. He eventually left California and became the second sea captain to go around the world.
•When he arrived back in England, the Queen made him a Knight. Francis Drake is still hated today in Spain.
•Francis Drake is also considered a California hero and many places are named after him today.
Sir Francis Drake carried out the second circumnavigation of the world from 1577 to 1580. In 1579 he landed on the coast of California and claimed the land for the English Crown, calling it "New Britain".
Sir Francis Drake went all around the world.(He actually sailed) He was commanded by the queen to go around the world. He actually went NOWHERE dont believe whats at the top
Sir Francis Drake was sent by Queen Elizabeth1 to raid Spanish ships and towns along the west side of North America. Once he was done he couldn't go back because Spanish ships and towns along the coast were ready to attack him, so his only choice was to sail around the world.
christopher columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492
Sir Francis drake sailed the West Coast in 1579 - Kasey
Sir Francis Drake.
Sir Francis Drake sailed along the west coast of the United States, landing in 1579 and spending time in what is now California.
South and Central America south and central America
Sir Francis Drake carried out the second circumnavigation of the world from 1577 to 1580. In 1579 he landed on the coast of California and claimed the land for the English Crown, calling it "New Britain".
Sir Francis Drake's final destination was Panama. He died of dysentery in 1596 while attempting to raid Spanish settlements along the coast. His body was buried at sea off the coast of Panama.
Sir Francis Drake went all around the world.(He actually sailed) He was commanded by the queen to go around the world. He actually went NOWHERE dont believe whats at the top
In 1579, it was the English explorer Sir Francis Drake that explored the west coast. He landed just north of the area we now call San Francisco.
Hawaii , orogon , b.c, and washington
sir francis drake
•In 1579 Francis Drake, an English pirate, sailed along the coast of California after capturing two Spanish ships filled with gold and luxury goods in the Pacific Ocean. •He landed somewhere north of San Francisco where he repaired his ship and gathered supplies to cross the Pacific and eventually go back to England. •There are still stories going around today that he buried some of his gold north of San Francisco. Some modern day treasure hunters are still looking for that gold. •Francis Drake claimed the land he found for England, though England never acted on it. He eventually left California and became the second sea captain to go around the world. •When he arrived back in England, the Queen made him a Knight. Francis Drake is still hated today in Spain. •Francis Drake is also considered a California hero and many places are named after him today.
•In 1579 Francis Drake, an English pirate, sailed along the coast of California after capturing two Spanish ships filled with gold and luxury goods in the Pacific Ocean. •He landed somewhere north of San Francisco where he repaired his ship and gathered supplies to cross the Pacific and eventually go back to England. •There are still stories going around today that he buried some of his gold north of San Francisco. Some modern day treasure hunters are still looking for that gold. •Francis Drake claimed the land he found for England, though England never acted on it. He eventually left California and became the second sea captain to go around the world. •When he arrived back in England, the Queen made him a Knight. Francis Drake is still hated today in Spain. •Francis Drake is also considered a California hero and many places are named after him today.