John Wagner, an artist for Hallmark, created Maxine in 1986 as a new character for Shoebox Greetings. His female relatives were his inspiration.
Maxine! She is drawn by a man and her character is loosely based on his aunt.
A check with Hallmark indicates that Maxine's pooch is named Floyd.
The cartoon that has a wolf as a character is called Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog. This cartoon is an animated series that is a part of Warner Brothers.
Daisy Duck
Droopy .
John Wagner
Maxine! She is drawn by a man and her character is loosely based on his aunt.
Absolutely! And she posts a daily Crabby Road cartoon.
A check with Hallmark indicates that Maxine's pooch is named Floyd.
No , the comic book character is most likely to be found in a comic book whereas a cartoon character will be found within a TV cartoon are as a character in a cartoon comic strip .
A non-animated cartoon character is static whereas an animated cartoon character is dynamic .
yes, toon link is a cartoon character.
A cartoon character starting with A is Apu.
No, at least not technically. Rayman is a video game character not technically a "cartoon" character like Mickey Mouse or Bart Simpson is a cartoon character.
There used to be a cartoon character called Bleep in the 1960's cartoon serial "Bleep and Booster."
a cartoon crush
Actually, Maxine is a cartoon character who endorsed herself for president; she did not endorse President Obama (nor did she endorse Mitt Romney). In mid-September 2012, her creator, John Wagner, decided to have Maxine run for office, and she announced she would become a candidate for president. That said, it is not entirely unusual for a mythical character to endorse someone: cartoonists have at times had their characters support or oppose a candidate ("Doonesbury" has waded into politics and current events a number of times). I enclose a link to Maxine's "announcement" of her desire to become the next president of the United States.