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Saturn's rings most likely come from particles that were captured by the planet's gravity. Saturn has the most extensive ring system of the planets.

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Tiara Lebsack

Lvl 13
2y ago
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3mo ago

Saturn is believed to have formed around 4.6 billion years ago from the swirling gas and dust present in the early solar system. As the material in the protoplanetary disk surrounding the young Sun cooled and clumped together, Saturn began to take shape eventually evolving into the planet we know today.

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11y ago

There are three theories on how Saturn got its rings:

1. Gravitational disruption of satellites: Saturn's gravitational pull tears anything apart that gets too close, and the fragments become part of the ring system.

2. Fragmentation of moons: moons of Saturn collide with each other and other bolides and break up, the fragments of which form Saturn's rings.

3. Accretionary remnant: rings are formed from primordial debris that was not accreted to form Saturn initially.

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10y ago

Saturn's rings most likely come from particles that were captured by the planet's gravity. Saturn has the most extensive ring system of the planets.

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8y ago

Saturn form long with the other planets by a process called accretion. Gas and dust orbiting the sun was pulled together into successively larger bodies by gravity.

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13y ago

Saturn's rings are made of ice chunks of various sizes surrounded by Saturn's 60 moons and moonlets

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