Edward Cullen then Bella swan then later Bella Cullen
Edward Cullen = e.cAlice Cullen =a.cemmet Cullen = e.crosalie hale = r.hjasper hale = j.h(when Bella marries edward ) Bella Cullen =b.cesmee Cullen =e.ccarsliecullen +=c.c
Bella Swan and Edward Cullen got married on August 13th 2009.
he didnt edward never left bella for another chick and there is not an ebany cullen there is only rosalie, esme, and alice (for the girls anyway)
It is Renesme Carlie Cullen. She is Bella Cullen's and Edward Cullen's birth daughter. In the 2nd book it is Bella when Edward leaves. Then in the 1st and 3rd book's he has no girlfriend.
Edward Cullen then Bella swan then later Bella Cullen
why? he should never do that but he does in the 2 book which ruined it for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate the second book!
Bella Cullen is and forever will be 18 years old. Edward Cullen is and forever will be 17 years old.
no Edward Cullen is not single. he is married to Bella.
Edawrd Cullen is Bella's husband. -Edward Cullen
Edward Cullen = Robert Pattinson Bella Swan/Cullen = Kristen Stewart
2 million dollars
She chooses Edward Cullen :)
The father of Bella's baby in the Twilight series is Edward Cullen, a vampire.
who's edward by the way? Edward Cullen is a handsome 17-year-old boy,after Bella discovers that Edward is a vampire,Edward becomes Bella's boyfriend and they marry each other in Breaking Dawn.
Edward Cullen = e.cAlice Cullen =a.cemmet Cullen = e.crosalie hale = r.hjasper hale = j.h(when Bella marries edward ) Bella Cullen =b.cesmee Cullen =e.ccarsliecullen +=c.c
Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan (bella) Alice Cullen and Emmet Cullen Rosalie Cullen and Jasper Cullen Carlisle and Esme Cullen Edward and Bella have Renesme Cullen Jacob Black and Billy Black Bella's Dad is Charlie Swan