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Anywher you can do your own in you garden if you want to

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Q: Where can you make a bonfire in Bristol?
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Related questions

What fuels make a good bonfire?

A good bonfire is made by wood matches and bonfire oil you firstly get lots of wood and set it alight then add the bonfire oil on.

What fuel is used to make a bonfire?

Typically, wood is used as fuel to make a bonfire. Hardwoods like oak, maple, or birch are commonly preferred for their ability to burn longer and produce a steady flame. Other materials like charcoal or firewood can also be used to fuel a bonfire.

How do you use bonfire in a sentence?

Bonfire is a noun so you would use it in a sentence as you would use a noun. A nounbeing a person, place, or THING."My mom wanted to make a huge bonfire in our yard to celebrate Christmas."

Why do you light a bonfire on bonfire night?

to night is bright bonfire night

How do you make a bonfire in harvest moon magical melody?

Take the bonfire set out of the toolbox, find somewhere on the grass, get out your bonfire set and press the button you would usually press if you were to use your tools which would be Z if it was the wii version.

What sound does a bonfire make?

A bonfire typically makes a crackling sound as the wood burns and releases gases. This crackling noise occurs as the flames heat up pockets of air trapped within or among the wood.

How could Bonfire Night be celebrate?

celebrated* and you could do a bonfire and make a guy fawlks to go on top and also let off some fire works maybe

What is the age limit of buying bonfires?

I don't honestly think that you can buy a bonfire. I may be wrong, but most people know how to make a bonfire - maybe incorrectly but it is unlikely anyone would pay for a bonfire - apart from the stupidly rich - Celebrities etc.

How do you make a bonfire on clug penguin mission?

You have to use the book and log you found out in the wilderness. To finish it, you have to find the black puffle, feed it a puffle-o and take it into your cave and get it as close to the bonfire as possible and feed it another puffle-o. And you have your bonfire made.

Is a bonfire to night?

bonfire night is on the 5th of November

How does a bonfire smell?

bonfire smells like smoke

Is a bonfire an example of combustibility?

yes that's the answer a bonfire is combustibility