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Probably not anywhere in the US. Most of them set the minimum age at 18 and some will allow younger with parental consent. Chances of getting one done at 15 is going to be slim, at least from any decent tattoo artist. There are many fly by nights that would do it, but the risk of a bad tattoo or disease will go up.

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17y ago
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15y ago

Nowhere. You have to be 18 regardless of you having parent consent or not. Only way is if you have a friend who will be willing to do it. I think 1 state lets you get one @ age 16 but i dont know which state

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15y ago

Im not 100% sure, but I think as long as you have parental consent (signature) you can get one at most shops.

If you arent able to do that, then Im sure someone knows someone who does them out of their house who would do it.

Laws vary from place to place. Most countries/states have an age limit of 18 to get a tattoo, even with permission. Some will allow it for 16 year olds with permission. You will have to check the specific laws for where you live. To the best of my knowledge there is no place in North America that allows a 15 year old to get a tattoo. You may be able to get one illegally in some places, but they are risky.

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12y ago

At that age, most shops will work with you and get you in, but you will still be required to have the proper parental consents, and for this; BOTH of your parents must be present with you at the shop for the filling out of paperwork, the instruction of aftercare, they will need to bring their state issued I.D.s with them as well as you will have to bring a copy of your birth certificate, and they may also require you to have some form of I.D. as well. Call around your area, and I'm sure that you will be able to find a shop that will cater to you, but even still, since you are technically a minor it is at the discretion of the shop if they will or will not work on you even with all proper consent.

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15y ago

Nope, its illegal. Don't even try to use a fake ID, its really annoying when i have costumers try it

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15y ago

A 16 year old can't get a tattoo from a shop without parents permission. The legal age for one is 18 without parent's consent.

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15y ago

anywhere you can get hookups . lols .

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