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Q: Where can you get a schematic for a 22 cal model 34?
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What year did they come out with the Remington .22 cal. model 34?

It was made only from 1932 - 1935

Where can you buy parts for Remington model 34 22 cal bolt action rifle?

Website for gunpartscorp

Ted Williams 22 cal rifle model 583.3403?

The Ted Williams 22 cal rifle model 34 583.3403 was made for Sears by Standard Manufacturing Company. It was discontinued in 1967-1968. It is valued at $125 in good condition.

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How much is your 1980 rws moderl45 22 cal rifle worth and what is the fps range on this rifle?

The RWS is made by Dianawerk (Diana) The model 45/45S Post World War II is rated 550 FPS for the .22 caliber. Current value is determined by the condition of the rifle today. If it is the 45 or 45S model and if it came with scope and sling. It was Manufactured between 1978-1988 The recent model 45 /45S (1988-2004 ) is rated at 800 FPS for the .22 cal. It is basically a restocked model 34.

What are the measurements of a model?

32-22-32 or 34-24-34 or 35-25-35

Sear and robucks 22 rifle 34?

My friend has a Sears and Robuck .22 bolt action single shot. We don't know the model or year it was made. Could it be a model 34?

How can you find 22 long rifle clips for a Stevens 34 model?

I would try numrich arms for a magazine for your Stevens model 34.

How much is a Remington 22 rifle model 34 serial?

it is 56 Remington rifle model

What is the value of a 22 caliber Remignton model 34 riffle?
