Insert Emerald into your DS and go to: Route 203, 204, 229 or the eterna forest
Not really that rare... in Pokemon Diamond you can find Sunkerns on Route 204
You cannot find a Charmander on Pokemon diamond. You have to get it from Pokemon Fire Red or Pokemon Leaf Green. Charmander is a starter Pokemon, so you don't have to catch it.
You can find the bestest,rarest, Pokemon is to go to
You cannot find the Pokemon Darkrai in Turnback Cave in the game Pokemon Diamond. Instead you can find him in Newmoon Island.
In "Diamond," you can find a trainer in the Victory Road that will have a Whiscash.
you can find a pineco in ilex forest using headbutts in trees.
I think u have to have Pokemon emerald in the game boy slot And you can find them on Rt 229, and the Rt above solecaon town.
Pineco is a bug type of Pokemon. You can find one in Pokemon Gold and Silver version by using headbutt on trees.
Pineco is a Bug type pokemon.
You cannot find Forretress in the wild. You have to evolve it from a Pineco. Pineco can be found in a tree when you headbutt it in the Ilex Forest.
Trade pineco from emerald or colosseum.
You get pineco by headbutting trees.
You can't....Sorry you can only migrate it from firered i think in emerald or i think there is a day where there is a swarm of pineco.
To get Forretress you need to evolve a Pineco. To get a Pineco you need a Pokemon that knows Headbutt. Use Headbutt on a tree and a Pokemon will fall out. This can be a Pineco. Ilex Forest is an example where you can come upon Pineco by headbutting treees.
You can't find it in the wild, but you can find a Pineco and level it up to 31.
ememrald only and you have to beat the pokemon elite four and pokemon champion first
Pineco is very rare. The only way to find it is to Headbutt trees. I've heard that Pineco is mostly found by people who Headbutt trees around New Bark Town.