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Q: Where can you find a biography for jack barakat?
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What is Jack barakat full name?

Jack Bassam Barakat.

What is Jack barakat's name?

Jack Bassam Barakat.

Jack barakat full name?

Jack Bassam Barakat. : )

Does Jack barakat have a tattoo?

Jack Barakat has several tattoos.

What is Jack barakat's middle name?

Bassam = Jack Bassam Barakat

When was Jack Barakat born?

Jack Barakat was born on June 18, 1988.

Where was Jack Bassam Barakat born?

jack bassam barakat was born in lebanon.

Did Jack barakat's mom die?

No, Jack Barakat's mother is still alive.

What is Jack Barakat's birthday?

Jack Barakat was born on June 18, 1988.

In which year is Jack Barakat born?

Jack Barakat was born in 1988.

What are Jack Barakat's parent's names?

Bassam Yousief and Joyce Barakat

What is jack barakat's sister's name?

may barakat who is 32 and also Leah barakat known as leeyh barakat and she's 14 and he also has a brother named joe , you could also find his sister leeyh on espin heres the link: and as for may and joe i have no idea