You can't. Besides a mongoose is mean as hell. Actually whoever said this hasn't done their research. First, there are several species of mongoose. And although most are solitary, and may get ornery as a result there are species of mongoose, like the meerkat, that are quite loveable and make great pets. Although Meerkats in particular, like monkeys or goats will destroy property. I'm pretty sure its not legal to keep them as pets in the states, even though in snake country they would be very helpful, but they are often kept as pets in the UK. I believe you may be able to obtain a special permit however. You can do some research on your own for breeders, who should be able to help you out on the permit.
Mongoose bikes are high performance bikes originally sold by BMX Products but is now owned by Dorel Industries. You can buy Mongoose bikes from Evan Cycles, Amazon, Walmart and ToysRus.
the genus of a mongoose is 'Herpestes' soz i couldn't find the species
A male mongoose is called a mongoose
Google can't find one.
Several do. They fight each other, and birds attack them, but I guess the answer you're looking for is the mongoose.
Riki Tiki Tavi was a mongoose.
show me the batte ry wiring
yes you can find mongoose all over the caribean eating birds, reptils[snakes] eggs,berries,fruits,vedgetabels,and dead things
...A mongoose that is a boy sex.
The mongoose is found in India.
The plural of mongoose is mongeese.
A zebra mongoose is a banded mongoose, with black and white stripes on their brown skin.