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In file /etc/passwd

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Q: Where are usernames stored in Linux?
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Which all the information that Linux is processing cannot be stored in RAM?


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That is the "swap partition." It is a dedicated space on the hard disk that fulfills the "swap" feature of virtual memory in Linux.

Where would data for a user's name be stored in a Linux or UNIX system?

The user's name is stored in /etc/passwd and/or /etc/shadow. The user's data is stored in the /home directory.

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The use of a Linux Virtual Machine is to run a copy of Linux on your current operation system. This will allow you to run various applications that only run on Linux.

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Which partition dose Linux use when all information being processed cannot be stored in RAM?

Swap partition

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This is impossible to fully answer. Password hashes are "salted" in Linux. This means, among other things, that the stored value for the same password can vary significantly.

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