I have not actually ride on the dirt bike but seen the dirt bike race very closely because it held in my near by town, and yest it's really a full of excitement and adventure.
it is near the airport. it is near the dirt ring competition in los ventures
The Pima Motorsports Park is a dirt bike track in Tuscson, AZ. You can find more information about this track at www.pimamotorsportspark.com. You can also find a lot of information on other Arizona dirt bike tracks at www.wheretomx.com.
it is a duck egg
yes you can but don't put it near the exhaust pipe.
Depending on the type of racing you would like to get into and how far you are willing to travel will determine where you can race your dirt bike. If you are interested in racing locally, returning to a store that carries this bike (or from whom you purchased the bike) will likely be able to point you in the right direction. Otherwise, a dirt bike magazine or a browsing online for locations near you will help to narrow your search.
dealer near you. example Honda powerhouse. or you can find them used online cheap on eBay or kijiji or craigs list
Bike school is in Blackfield, Las Venturas near the Dirt Bike stadium. It is very similar to driving school in format but is probably a lot easier as the tasks are much more common when driving bikes round the game normally
No, there are 2,078 miles between Vancouver, California and Hamilton, California.
CC refers to the engine displacement or in other words how big the motor is. Larger cc engines produce more power then a low cc engine can. When racing dirt bikes they require the engine size to be near the same size so that everyone has an equal chance in the race. For example: Racing a 125cc bike against a 500cc bike would be a one sided race. The 125cc bike would not have a chance against the power a 500cc bike puts out.
they are called flares
Of course girls have weak spots! for me its in my wrist and near my neck!