The far western part. Spain is on the western edge of Europe, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, along with Portugal.
Europe is a continent in the northern hemisphere, east of the Atlantic Ocean, west of Asia and north of Africa. Spain is a country in the southwest of Europe.
Spain is on the Iberian Peninsula in southwest Europe.
In southern Europe
Southern Europe. Spain, Sicily.
Spain is part of Europe.
Spain is in Europe. A small part of Turkey is in Europe but most of it is in Asia.
Countries do not "belong" to continents. They are located on them. The mainland part of Spain is located on the continent of Europe. Spain also controls the cities of Ceuta and Melilla as well as the Canary Islands which are part of Africa.
Spain occupies part of the Iberian Peninsular which is part of Europe
Yes! Spain is located in Europe!Spain is primarily in southwestern Europe. There are some Spanish territories in Africa (Ceuta, Melilla, and the Canary Islands), but the majority of Spanish territory and population is in Europe.
The Pyrenees form the border between Spain and France. As both France and Spain are part of Europe, the Pyrenees do not form a part of Europe's boundary. The Urals or Caucasus mountains from part of Europe's boundary, in the east and in the southeast of Europe.
Spain is on the Europe's Iberian Peninsula - it is not in Asia.
No. It is in the southwest of Europe. See the map at the link below.