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Q: Where are Betty grables daughters now?
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Where are Betty grables daughter's today?

Both of Betty Grable's daughters, Victoria Elizabeth James and Jessica James Rule, are alive and well. They have largely stayed out of the public eye and maintained their privacy, living their lives away from the spotlight.

How many children does Betty White have?

Betty White has three step-children, two step daughters and a step son.

How many step-children does Betty White have?

Betty White has three step-children, two step daughters and a step son.

How many step-children does Betty White?

Betty White has three step-children, two step daughters and a step son.

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NONE>>only two daughters by first husband Daughters Anne and Joan

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What happened to Betty Grable's daughters?

What happened to Betty Grable's kids? Was she really a model wife and mother? Good grief she was never home. Her two daughters Victoria and Jessica were brought up by anyone available. Housekeepers, nannies and themselves. They looked after each other. No, Betty Grable and her husband Harry James were two of the worst parents in Hollywood; except for Joan Crawford. They were totally enamored with themselves. Gambling, smoking, affairs, Betty was far too busy making movies and having affairs to care too much about her daughters. Which caused bitterness that did not end with her death. The girls were left nothing when it came to the end. Harry James once tried to make amends when he was far too old and an alcoholic, this did not end the bitterness of the two girls. They did not even attend Betty Grables funeral. So, are the people in Hollywood defined by their popularity? Or their humanness to their children and others? I feel so sorry for Hollywood children.

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No,he only had 4 children

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Betty Fairchild has written: 'Untitled for Now'

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Betty Bonham Lies has written: 'Earth's Daughters' -- subject(s): Classical Mythology, Mythology, Roman Goddesses, Greek Goddesses, Women

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Malcolm X sired six daughters with his wife Betty Shabazz, but no sons.

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