7.59 cups. In US measure: 1 quart = 4 cups And 1 cup = 0.25 quart.
There are 32 US fluid ounces (2 pints, or 4 cups) in 1 US quart (946.4 ml).
There are 40 Imperial fluid ounces (2 pints) in 1 Imperial quart (1,136 ml).
Note that there is no 'cup' in the Imperial system, it is best to use pints or half pints, and not 'cups'.
About 12 13 kernels if 1 cup measuring cup can hold 165 dried corn kernels.
which is bier? a 1/4 measuring cup or a 1/3 cup ?
2/3 on a measuring cup is where?
Is it a measuring cup
the answer to this question is who do you think made the first measuring cup?
To measure two-thirds of a cup when you don't have a two-thirds measuring cup, you can use a one-third measuring cup and fill it twice. Another option is to use a half-cup measuring cup and fill it one and a third times.
According to reviews Pyrex provides good quality glass measuring cups. These come in a range of sizes including 1-cup measuring cups, 2-cup measuring cups, 4-cup measuring cups and 8 cup measuring cups.
Use a measuring cup with a 1-cup marking. 8 ounces = 1 cup.
a cup
The best tool for measuring the volume of a glass is a liquid measuring cup. Simply pour water into the glass from the measuring cup and read the volume markings on the cup to determine the volume of the glass.
I am measuring a water in a measuring cup.
I am measuring a water in a measuring cup.