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In the US, women were not allowed to vote until August 18th 1920.

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Q: When were women first permitted to vote in the US?
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What part of the US did women first begin to get the right to vote?

It was more of an individual state, which was Wyoming.

What was the first year that women were aloud to vote in the us?


When did the women first get the right to vote in the US?

January 18, 2003

What country was the first country to allow women to vote?

As strange it may sound for us nowadays, women's right to vote had required a longtime fight by many brave women, who had to fight prejudice and inequity. Sweden is the first European country that allowed taxpayer women to vote in the year 1862.

Who was president that year when first women in usa allowed to vote?

Warren G. Harding was the first president to be elected after women were allowed to vote all over the US. Harding was elected president in 1920 which was the first election year after the women's suffrage amendment was ratified.In 1890, Wyoming was the first state to allow women to vote. Grover Cleveland won that election. I assume some women in Wyoming voted for him.

What was the first state that allowed women the right to vote?

WyomingWyomingWyomingWyomingNew Zealand was the first to give women the right to vote. Finland was the first to also give them the right to stand as candidate.

Is the President permitted to vote in midterm elections?

Yes, they are the President but they are still US citizens

Who was the president for whom women could vote?

Warren G. Harding was the first president to be elected after women were allowed to vote all over the US. Harding was elected president in 1920 which was the first election year after the women's suffrage amendment was ratified.In 1890, Wyoming was the first state to allow women to vote. Grover Cleveland won that election. I assume some women in Wyoming voted for him.

Why weren't women aloud to vote in the US?

Women were not aloud to vote because it was not a women's job at the time and rights were not equal

What group of American citizens were granted suffrage that allowed them to vote for the first time in a presidential election in 1920?

Women was first allowed to vote in the US national election of 1920.

Women can vote?

Yes women in America have the right to vote. Women were granted the right to vote in 1919 and is the 19th Amendment of the US Constitution.

Is US women's rights to vote a conflict or compromise?

Is U.S. women's rights to vote a conflict or compromise?