May 28, 1945 fell on a Monday.
May 28, 1956 fell on a Monday.
April 28th last fell on a Monday and 2008 and it will do so again in 2014.
Monday, May 29th.
The Dionne quintuplets were born on that Monday.
In 2011; Monday May 30, 2011. That's when Memorial Day is this year.
Since 1971 Memorial Day has been the last Monday in May. This was part of the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill signed by President Lyndon Banes Johnson in 1968. Memorial Day 2003 was on Monday, May 26, 2003.
Monday, May 30, 2011Memorial Day is observed on Monday, May 30, in 2011. Background information regarding the dateMemorial Day has been observed on the last Monday in May ever since Congress declared it a national holiday in 1971.
No, Last Time, Going to School on Last Mondays of May Stopped in 1970.
Memorial Day has been celebrated on the last Monday of May since 1971. Before that it was always celebrated on May 30th. May 30, 1960 fell on a Monday.
The last Monday in May.