between 1665 and 1825 the emperor of china had a car built and it was a steam car invented by Ferdinand Verbiest and built by Nicholas Cugnot
1839 Robert Anderson of Aberdeen built the first electric vehicle.
it goes on, from then to know many different electric cars have been built .
The above vehicles were indeed not driven by petrol, but they were not hybrids, each had only one form of propulsion.
The first hybrid car (built in 1899) used a gasoline engine to supply power to an electric motor that drove the car's front wheels.
The RX 400h was the first production hybrid luxury SUV from Lexus. It was introduced in 2005.
The first hybrid gasoline-electric car was invented in 1899.Regenerative breaking hybrid car was invented in 1978.
the very first car was built in France 1770, the first petrol car was built in Germany
A Viennese inventor created the first hybrid car in 1900. His name was Jacob Lohner and his car was called Elektromobil.
Japaniese people were the first people who invented the hybrid car. e.g. Toyota Hybrid X
It might not be best for a hybrid to be your first car as you may not be used to the way hybrids work and would probably be more comfortable with a normal car.
In 1900 Ferdinand Porsche buit the first Hybrid called the Lohner-Porsche Mixte.
The first company or person to build a gasoline-electric hybrid car is typically attributed to Ferdinand Porsche, the founder of the famous Porsche AG fame. He built his hybrid car with Czechoslovakian coach builder in 1901. This car is known as the Lohner-Porsche hybrid. A total of 5 cars were built using this gas-electric design and with some modifications, these cars were able to reach a top speed of 56 MPH, which was quite fast for its time. This early hybrid was used a direct drive drivetrain where the electric motors were hub-mounted. The electric internal-pole motors were capable of generating upto 3.5 horsepower. Unlike today's hybrid cars, the gasoline engine on this early hybrid car never powered the wheels but instead was used to recharge the batteries (today's modern hybrid cars use regenerative breaking technologies as the primary method of recharging their batteries). One of the biggest downsides to what has become known as the Lohner-Porsche hybrid was the sheer cost and weight. The car required 1.8 tones of lead batteries and cost 15,000 Austrian Crowns, a substantial sum in 1901.
The first car engine was built in the year 1926.
Since most people think of a hybrid car as one having both electric and gasoline power, the best answer to the question would be:Germany 1898: The German Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, at age 23, built his first car, the Lohner Electric Chaise. It was the world's first front-wheel-drive. Porsche's second car was a hybrid, using an internal combustion engine to spin a generator that provided power to electric motors located in the wheel hubs. On battery alone, the car could travel nearly 40 miles.
1st generation Toyota Prius.