Two of the largest makers of "stick goods," O-Cedar and Vining Industries, merged in 1993.
The address of the Lee Vining Library is: 51710 Hwy. 395, Lee Vining, 93541 M
Leslie Vining died in 1955.
Leslie Vining was born in 1885.
Frank Vining died in 1989.
Frank Vining was born in 1924.
Mike Vining was born in 1944.
The phone number of the Lee Vining Library is: 760-647-6123.
Pamelia Sarah Vining was born in 1826.
Pamelia Sarah Vining died in 1897.
Ken Vining was born on 1974-12-05.
John M. Vining died in 1802-02.
Arthur Vining Davis died on 1962-11-17.