Fireworks and Gun Powder was invented in the 9th century. it was invented by Li Tian.
Gun powder was originally a combination of ground saltpeter, ground charcoal and ground sulfur. the original gun powder had problems. one it gumed up your gun, two it produced too much smoke. we now use a much more usefull and smokeless powder i forget the name though...
Assuming you are of legal age to purchase, black powder or smokeless powder for reloading can be purchased from gun shops. Yes, proof of age is required.
Smokeless powder, a bigger, stronger and harder hitting Navy and a replacement for the Gatling Gun.
The Tang invented gun powder and fireworks. >_<
The Chinese
there are several typed of powder the most common are black powder and smokeless powder. black powder is very corrosive and burns slower com paired to smokeless and just by the name there acepinaly more smoke were as smokeless gun powder is stronger and faster and cleaner.
No. In general you should never use smokeless powder in a firearm designed specifically for black powder. To do so may be very dangerous. If in doubt, have the gun inspected by a qualified gunsmith and only fire smokeless powder in the gun if a properly qualified gunsmith tells you it is safe to do so.
what little smoke that is generated by smokeless powder cartridge,s,hence the name smokeless powder does not effect the ozone.
When using a muzzle loading gun it is important to ensure that it can handle modern smokeless powder because of the greater amount of force produced by smokeless powder as opposed to using the black powder that the muzzle loader was intended for.
Black powder is much weaker than smokeless powder. Smokeless powder, for this reason, once invented(much after black powder), replaced black powder in guns. However, black powder is still used in fireworks because the extreme explosive power of smokeless powder would prove too dangerous in fireworks.
Gun powder was invented in China in the year 1044 AD.
As used here, grain is a measure of weight- ABOUT 1 gram. Smokeless gun powder is usually grey to dark grey, and may consist of tiny flakes, disks or rods.
Gun POWDER was invented by the Chinese
Black powder <><><> At the time of the American revolution, the only gunpowder in existence was black powder- a mix of charcoal, sulfur, and saltpetre. Other gun powders (smokeless, cordite, etc) were invented in the late 1800s.
The term is a black POWDER gun- meaning it shoots back gunpowder, and not smokeless powder. Some were patented, some still are. Patent- not Patton.
Black powder, or a black powder substitute such as Pyrodex. Smokeless powder (modern gun powder) should not be used in a traditional muzzle loading firearm.
Because China invented gun powder.