The Crosman 3500 was an updated version of the V-350. The 3500 was made between 1970-1973.
Crosman has the owners manual on-line ( see the link Below) In good condition the 3500 is worth between $75 and $95. It was made between 1970-1973.
Crosman has the original Owners manual online. The loading port in on top of the barrel. See the link below for the manual.
The trap Master was made between 1968-71. However Crosman doesn't publish how many units were made. I suggest you contact Crosman directly and ask them. Contact Crosman "Contact Information" at the link below.
Crosman made a V-350 from 1961 - 1969. I do not believe they made an I-350.
It was made for Western Auto by Crosman between 1966-70
Crosman does not own Marksman. Crosman made a Repeatairmodel and Marksman made a Repeater model. See the link below for the Marksman Repeater owners manual.
The Package just says "Made in the USA" the tube says "Made for Crosman". You may want to contact Crosman directly and ask them. 1-800, 724-7486
It would be worth somewhere between $35 -$55
The Crosman model 150 was made between 1954-1967. It is a .22 cal pellet pistol.
no the crosman stinger p9t isnt made out of metal it is mostly made out of plastic there only some piece that are metal
Crosman distributes 2 brands of Scopes. The "Crosman" and "Center Point" scopes. All you have to do is look at the packaging or Owners manual to see who the scope is made by. I found a few Center Point manuals that stated they are made in China. I also found the same for the Crosman brand.
Both Crosman and Daisy made air rifles for Sears under the JC Higgins brand name. Your model 126.19330 was made by Crosman and is a Crosman model 166 HAHN Super BB repeater made between 1958-71. Crosman no longer offers parts for this rifle BUT they do offer a service to locate repair shops that rebuild older Crosman airguns. see the links Below.