'Infinite Jest' was written by David Foster Wallace.
Who is Charles Tavist in infinite jest?
Charles Tavist in Infinite Jest is the new head of the junior
tennis academy and step-sibling of Avril Incandenza.
When was To jest to created?
To jest to was created in 2007.
Who wrote the book 'Infinite Jest'?
Infinite Jest was written by David Foster Wallace. The book was
released in 1996 and is a complex work portraying a possible future
version of North America.
When was A Jest of God created?
A Jest of God was created in 1966.
When was The Cream of the Jest created?
The Cream of the Jest was created in 1917.
When was Poison in Jest created?
Poison in Jest was created in 1932.
When was Wschód jest pełen słońca created?
Wschód jest pełen słońca was created in 1997.