Compared to other mp3 players, the Boxen mp3 is alright. Sony has the best reviews and Belkin seems to fair better than Boxen. One upside to Boxen is the design and speakers that other brands do not offer.
Jyske Bank Boxen is an indoor arena in Denmark and was opened on 2010.
Album Album was created in 1984-06.
The Album - Caravan album - was created in 1980-07.
Out of It - album - was created in 2008.
You Will - album - was created in 1990.
Into - album - was created in 2001.
Me Me Me - album - was created in 1998.
They - album - was created in 1988.
Was - Not Was - - album - was created in 1981.
How We Do - album - was created in 2002.
Get Out - album - was created in 1992.